Farm staff, Germany
In March 2020, a personnel logistics company asked Air Charter Service to fly 50 farm workers from Romania to Germany. With scheduled flights grounded, and the Hungarian and Serbian border closed during the Covid-19 pandemic, their only option was to transport the group by private jet charter.
Route: Iasi > Hannover
Aircraft: Bombardier CRJ-200
With Germany preparing to close its borders as the pandemic intensified, we knew we had to act fast to complete the charter in time. Our knowledgeable team got in touch with several partner airlines to source quotes as quickly as possible, following which the client opted to charter a Bombardier CRJ-200 that was located near the passengers in Hanover and could accommodate the group. We liaised closely with the departure airport, handling agent and German authorities to stay updated on the latest Covid-19 regulations and travel restrictions.
Reliable Service: Our expert team used their unrivalled knowledge to send the client a quote within two hours of receiving the initial request.
Unrivalled Experience: We have extensive experience in transporting farm workers around the world.